Arm Lift
Dr. Wayne Lee’s practice offers Arm Lift surgery in order to remedy the sagging skin associated with age. Clients in Tampa Bay may develop loose and sagging skin in their upper arms that can droop and jiggle. Sagging skin in the upper arms can result from natural aging. Over time, skin loses its elasticity and becomes subject to the forces of gravity. Additionally, loose arm skin can be a by-product of significant weight loss. Sometimes skin that had been stretched over heavier arms simply can’t tighten a smaller frame after weight loss. This can be particularly disappointing for women and men who have worked hard to achieve healthier weight. An arm lift can remove the excess skin on the arms that cannot be eliminated simply through diet and exercise.
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* Individual results may vary.
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According to the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgery), arm lift surgery has soared in popularity and is currently one of the top four most requested plastic surgery procedures. Not exclusively for women, arm lift surgery is performed on many men. During the Arm Lift Consultation, Dr. Lee will examine your excess skin, analyzing the skin quality and the muscles and tissues of your upper arms. Suggestions for your optimal arm lift surgery will be based on these features after the Arm Lift Consultation. He will discuss your goals and expectations for your arm lift and whether you might benefit from any additional body lift surgeries available.